Architect, Lighting Designer & Feature Installations Designer

HAGEN STUDIOS, Founder & Creative Director

London, UK


1.What's the idea that's obsessing you now?

As I have the luxury to work issues and ideas which capture me directly into my projects, I'm basically obsessed with the projects we're developing in the studio. All of which follow the notion of designing products that create awareness of current and future affairs through their concepts, by the use of specifically generated sustainable materials, merging traditional craftsmanship with new technologies. A fun example - as this was written during the Covid-19 crisis - we just designed a hand sanitiser toy / meets disinfecting light for children called PACA, encouraging children to hygiene and making parents' life easier.

2.What would you like to create next ?

Apart from licensing PACA, it's large scale interactive installations from our latest light products, which are made of hand-blown glass elements combined with 3-D printed metal shells and could construct whole architectural spaces. And a "healing" installation we are currently looking at in collaboration with a copper artist - it's using the antimicrobial, repellent qualities of copper paired with specifically blown glass-lights which are known to decrease depression.

3.Where do you go for inspiration ?

Anything to take a break and get my mind off what I'm looking for - a long walk or train ride, change of location, and kickboxing for full reset.

4.What is your favorite everyday object ?

My Anya Hindmarch handbag, which is carrying my life and office in a nutshell.

5.What’s the last book that made you inspired?

At the moment I'm reading a book called "Why We Sleep", written by neuroscientist Matthew Walker on the science of sleep, which really inspires me to sleep! It's more important for the development of our brains and ideas than I expected, and should probably be given to every architecture student to start a revolution in the industry ;)